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Heart Chakra Rose Quartz infused Blockage Removal Oil


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  • Model: hrtchoil
  • Shipping Weight: 0.5lbs
  • 5 Units in Stock


This Beautiful Sacred Oil Made by Sister SpellBinder The Anahata (heart Chakra) is the center of love, empathy, compassion both for self and for others, and the divine. A healthy heart chakra creates a very fulfilling life. HOW TO USE IT: shake well :You can use this oil in a variety of ways. You can anoint yourself with the oil, by rubbing a few drops on your skin. You can also use it to dress an intention candle, wear them and attract your intentions, use during visualization. When you use the oils, simply visualize a green light filling up your heart chakra with light and love imagine all the blockages of love breaking away opening the heart chakra Recite heart-opening affirmations. You can say them out loud or mentally recite them. Here are a few good heart-opening affirmations to get you started.
I am worthy of the purest love.
I am fully open to giving and receiving love.
It is safe for me to love and be loved.
I deeply, and completely, love and accept myself.
I choose to see myself and others in a compassionate light.
now Focus on activities that you love.
It might seem simple, but redirecting your attention to things that bring you happiness can help open your heart chakra. Instead of dwelling on the negative, spend time with people you love, get out into nature, or carve out time in your busy day to read, play an instrument, or garden

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This product was added to our catalog on Monday 27 February, 2023.

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